In Bloom Commerce, Renewals are listed as their own sub-tab under "Subscriptions". They are sorted in order of the next upcoming renewal, so you can see at-a-glance what the next renewals will be.
From this list, clicking on the three dots at the end of each row will give you the ability to skip a renewal or view details about the subscription. Clicking to view details about a subscription will take you to the membership details screen, from which you can click "Edit" on a subscription plan to edit further details.
Change a renewal date
When editing a subscription, you will be presented with the ability to change the renewal date, purchase option, and product associated with this subscription. To change the renewal date, simply click the date and use the calendar interface to select a new date.
NOTE: editing a customer's renewal date will update all upcoming subscription orders for this customer. In other words, if you change the renewal time in this UI, it will not be a one-time change.