The Manage Wishes view allows you to view your customer's wish requests across your entire release in a single location. You can filter, select, and perform bulk actions to grant wishes and notify customers.
Wish statuses
The amount of additional product the customer wishes to purchase beyond their initial allocated amount.
The number of wishes requested that you, the shop owner, have agreed to allocate to the customer beyond their initial allocation (should be equal to or less than the Requested amount).
The amount of Granted wishes that have been subsequently purchased by the customer.
The amount of Granted wishes that have not yet been purchased by the customer.
Wish requests
After you have defined the "Wish min/max" for specific line items on customer packages, the customer will be presented with the option of wishing for more product during their allocation checkout (assuming they have already reached the maximum of their initial allocated amount for that product). The quantity selected will be stored as the Requested amount for that package line item.
Granting wishes
After customers have purchased their initial allocation and indicated requested wish amounts, it's time to start Granting wishes.